
Meet The Team


Name : Luis Aguirre
Nickname : E.T.
Age : 28
Bike : 2004 Kawasaki ZX6R
Favorite Stunt: Drifts
Why I do it: I enjoy the challenge that stuntriding brings, also traveling, meeting new people and learning from them.
Goals : Further help progressing this sport in a positive light, constantly training and hopefully someday soon compete in a few competitions and make a name for myself in this sport that I love.
Seat Time : Been stunt riding since July 2010

Name : Jacob Lankford
Nickname : FTP
Age : 25
Bike : 2008 Kawasaki ZX6R
Favorite Stunt : Stoppies
Why I do it : I stunt for the challenge of it, the excitement, the danger. To appear out of control at any moment but maintain control. 
Goals : Help progress this sport in a positive manor, showing others safe and controlled ways to ride their motorcycles. Eventually increase my bag of tricks enough to be able to compete in competitions.
Seat Time : Stunt riding since June 2010